Promo Era Blue

Berbagai Promo Di Era Blue Peralatan elektronik dan Perlengkapan Alat Rumah Tangga

Travelling chapter 1 : Wisata alam Bakukung Cianten Jawa Barat

Bogor merupakan daerah  favorit wisata yang sering dituju bagi warga kota JABODETABEK, dikarenakan tempat wisata alamnya yang indah dan udara masih terbilang sejuk. Di bogor terdapat beberapa curug yang terkenal dan tempat wisata menarik lainnya salah satunya adalah “Wisata Bakukung” atau biasa di sebut “Cianten Bakukung” dikarenakan lokasi tersebut juga terdapat sebuah kebun teh milik PTPN VIII. Tempat wisata ini berada di bawah kaki gunung halimun serta memiliki berbagai daya tarik bagi wisatawan untuk berkunjung.

Videos Takes by friends : RN 

Harga tiket untuk masuk ke bakukung sendiri Rp.20.000 untuk perorang dan tambahan untuk biaya parkir  mobil Rp.10.000, menurut saya ini termasuk terjangkau dan terdapat saung yang cocok untuk makan bersama keluarga ataupun kerabat 

Bakukung sendiri bisa dibilang maribayanya bogor, ada beberapa spot foto yang tidak saya ambil karena hujan sudah turun dan fokus untuk foto foto narsis buat di IG hehe 

itulah pengalaman perjalanan pribadi saya yang sangat terjangkau dari  daerah rumah ataupun jabodetabek dan harganya terbilang sangat terjangkau juga menjadi daya tarik sendiri, jalan ke arah daerah wisata bakukung ini juga salah satu jalan alternatif ke pelabuhan ratu ataupun ke sukabumi 
banyak bis wisata yang lewat di saat hari weekend ataupun hari besar lainnya. tapi jangan khawatir untuk traveller yang ingin berkunjung kesini karena tidak macet kok 😂

Semoga bisa jadi alternatif destinasi wisata dan selamat menikmati yah 🙏😺

Terimakasih sudah membaca blog saya👌

Story Chapter 3 The Titled : The castle crumbled overnight

The arts by

So here its is …

Its early morning Friday  I found  my father sleep a lifetime on him bed with nice smile

and my tears its fall in my cheeks

They crying on you and the praying for you, nothing I could do it else just looking at you at the time

The time has gone….

The people saying : “Heart disease runs in your family

You try to have a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise”. There no chance to said goodbye and The castle  crumbled overnight, but I know life its must go on

Its my turn to chase the monsters away, I have weapon for fighting all the monsters

Its hard When you feel sad but must be fighting in your life, Some people give me encourage.....

Its really hard to take freaking actions..

I cant hear anything and I cant breathe so well

Its hard when you to be professional and you don’t wanna show ur emotional all of those people’s

In this tough moment at the time. some people outhere might be have happy day at that day

I hope you sleep well, don’t be scared I always been here for, you can looking at me in in my dream

Massive thanks for My closest friend in being there and I know they support me as well I do really appreciate for that, that’s mean a lot for me

Story Chapter 2 The Titled : Watching Your Tongue!!!!

Art Pic By : Lala Vak

This damn journey's..

At this scenario your act as : Good person and he's act as : the villain👥

But when he had a lot worst day you never being here or never being supported he as well

Speculate to break the one you hate to circulate the lie you confiscate

He's call them : Bad blood

And then they reply : Swish swish bish.

They say he's weird, reckless, insane, but he gonna say: Yep it's me, I'm happy to be who I am.

Because he has a nice job and they say: He's not had skills he has some friends in high places!!! 

Just because you hear it, don't make it factual and actual, though everybody wants to hear all about it.

See, but everybody wants to believe all about it

Scandal with the words you use, you do anything to drag him down. To hear it sanctifies it, fies it.

It's slander, you say it's not sin but your lips and your hand of the sinner. You are made him tormented

He's watching your tongue word by word !!!

Rip off the page...

Everyone had weaknesses but you so easily for judging him, the value of friendship doesn't work on it.

He's don't care anymore whats are you perceive about him

He's don't wearing the masks he had some emotions like other people

They took he's crown and lay it on thick

Even more, the people believe that. Even without asking me first whats real happening!

Your rules make him fool 

You start to play stupid games

You ain't no duty but you had options whats you visit first?

He's was there for you, when in your darkest time

He's had the saddest day in his life when he gold necklaces it's gone

He's call them : et tu brute🐍

How they damn reaction and they were making fun of the situation😈

And you cheering up at the restaurant and at the moments you happy playing the tennis with the same circle!

But he's wonder where were you when he's was at he's worst time?

When he's tears down on he's cheeks

You made a really deep cut !!!

It makes him feel so much pain it doesn't like a real friendship

It makes him hurt as he knows he's thinking your his best friends

He's not to be revenge but still remember on He's mind that the day when you treat him like that

Look what you've done

You just see the dark side

You break the glass and it is cannot be brand new anymore

He knows your titled squad name is “Guardian galaxy” and there have not been changed rules of the games

People think we're toxic 

They and he were always at odds!!

Now we've got problem

This is why we can't have fun

They say doesn't like drama but they one of them make damn drama😂

You're so damn disrespectful with the longest relationship as best friends!!!👹

Noted :

This is based on my story and some idioms inspired by Michael Jackson,Taylor Swift, Imagine dragons, Katy Perry and Maroon 5 songs because they are my inspirations.

Massive thanks for supporting me including my blog guys, love you from the bottom of my heart.

Story Chapter 1 The Titled : This City Smell Like You

English Version

Once upon a time there, two people met with a wonderful love story like a fairytale

The prince met the princess they both looked eye contact with each other and they fell in love at first sight. At the ball in the castle and the saddest story will be begun…

I greet you with a battle hero's welcome, I take your indiscretions all in good fun

I wake and watch you sleeping beside me. I stare at your face, your hair, your red lips, and I imagine our Story so beautiful that. I notice everything you do or don’t do

But I know what your wish on me "You're gonna wish you never had met me anymore" and my Tears are gonna fall on my cheeks. The storm will be coming to our area.

I just heard you found the one you’ve been looking and If he’s caring and hugging you so tight like that way

I did before, who knows how to the way love you like me, there must be a good reason that you're gone with him.

I just still think you want me to come to show up at your door but I'm just too afraid that's only crossing my mind when I realize you don't want me anymore.

He moved from his parents' house and he built to the house in the homeland of him then she moved into the house of him and now she left the house….

I know we have been sold the our home but remember. Now, I'm staying at my parents' house

My beautiful dream living with you it's been paralyzed by you…….

As if to represent whats I feel so broken when you so easily move to another city

But This City Still Smell Like You and while I still daydream thinking about you on my bed that still Smell like you memories

I get in the bus and I sit close to the window and while listening to adele saddest songs and next Song it's Taylor swift breakup songs

Yess… It really makes me so emotional, I realize our relationship is so brittle and has run aground

I think I've seen this film before... 

Self reminder :

When you love someone you work it out, you don’t just throw away but remember you have to be careful with it. You might never get it again.

Noted :

This is based on my story and some The idioms inspired by Adele, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez songs, because they my massive inspirations, I hope your enjoy it. If you dont mind please share and  comment in the below you can choose as anonymous, but must be Polite and give the ratings from 1-10 for this story.

Massive Thanks for support me including my blog guys, love you from the bottom in my heart.

Versi Bahasa indonesia 

Kota ini penuh kenangan 

Suatu ketika ada dua orang bertemu dengan kisah cinta yang indah seperti dongeng

Pangeran bertemu dengan putri, mereka berdua saling bertatap mata dan mereka jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. 

Di pesta dansa di kastil dan cerita paling menyedihkan akan dimulai…

Saya menyambut Anda dengan sambutan pahlawan pertempuran, saya menganggap semua kecerobohan anda sangat menyenangkan.

Aku bangun dan melihatmu tidur di sampingku. Aku menatap wajahmu, rambutmu, bibir merahmu dan aku membayangkan kisah kita begitu indah sehingga aku memperhatikan semua yang kamu lakukan atau tidak lakukan.

Tapi aku tahu itu keinginanmu padaku "Kamu akan berharap kamu tidak pernah bertemu denganku lagi" dan Air mataku akan jatuh di pipiku. Badai akan datang ke daerah kita.

Saya baru saja mendengar Anda menemukan yang Anda cari dan Jika dia peduli dan memeluk Anda begitu erat seperti yang saya lakukan sebelumnya.

Siapa yang tahu bagaimana cara mencintai Anda seperti saya, pasti ada alasan bagus bahwa anda akan pergi bersamanya.                                                                                                                        

Aku hanya masih berpikir kamu ingin aku muncul di depan pintumu tapi aku terlalu takut itu hanya terlintas di pikiranku ketika aku sadar kamu tidak menginginkanku lagi.

Dia pindah dari rumah orang tua dan dia membangun sendiri rumah di tanah kelahirannya (Kampung halaman) kemudian dia pindah ke rumah dia dan sekarang dia meninggalkan rumah….                                              

(Maksudnya adalah sih cowok ini awalnya yang mengejar dan membangun hubungannya untuk menyakinkan sih cewek agar  menempatkan isi di hatinya, dan Ketika bosan sih cewek pergi begitu saja)

Saya tahu kami telah menjual rumah kami tapi ingat. Sekarang, saya tinggal di rumah orang tua saya  

(Maksudnya hubungannya telah kandas hanya tersisa kenangan indah bersamanya dan kehidupan sih cowok kembali seperti sebelum memulai hubungan dengan sih cewek)

Mimpi indahku hidup bersamamu telah dilumpuhkan olehmu…….                                              

Seolah-olah untuk mewakili apa yang saya rasakan sangat hancur ketika Anda dengan mudah pindah ke kota lain 

(Maksudnya sih cewek mudah untuk pindah kelain hati, sedangkan sih cowok masih galau dan memikirkannya)

Tapi Kota Ini Masih wangi Sepertimu dan saat aku masih melamun memikirkanmu di tempat tidurku yang masih Tercium seperti kenanganmu                                                                                 

(Maksudnya kota ini masih terasa kenangan indah bagi si cowoknya saat Bersama dengan sih cewek tersebut)

Aku menaiki bus dan aku duduk dekat jendela dan sambil mendengarkan lagu adele paling sedih dan lagu selanjutnya adalah lagu perpisahan taylor swift

Yess… Itu benar-benar membuat saya sangat emosional, saya menyadari hubungan kami sangat rapuh dan kandas

Saya pikir saya pernah melihat film ini sebelumnya...

Pengingat bagi diri sendiri :

Ketika Anda mencintai seseorang kamu mengusahakannya, kamu tidak membuangnya begitu saja

Tetapi ingat  kamu harus berhati-hati dengan itu.  Kamu mungkin tidak akan pernah mendapatkannya lagi.

Catatan : 

Ini berdasarkan cerita yang saya alami dan beberapa idiom yang terinspirasi oleh lagu Adele, Taylor Swift dan Selena Gomez, karena mereka adalah inspirasi terbesar saya, saya harap Anda menikmatinya. Jika Anda tidak keberatan, silakan bagikan dan beri komentar di bawah ini, Anda dapat memilih sebagai anonim, tetapi harus Sopan dan beri peringkat 1-10 untuk cerita ini.

Terima kasih banyak telah mendukung saya termasuk blog saya guys, cinta kalian dari lubuk hati saya.